Results are available instantly after you pay. or ) of at least one of their email addresses. You'll need to pay to see other possible names they might go by, as well as their age, the location they currently live or have lived in the past, a list of possible relatives, the last four digits of at least one of their registered phone numbers, and the email provider (e.g. However, the only information you can see for free is the person's full name. TruthFinder then searches for the person's job information, email addresses, education history, death records, government watch list records, social media images, dating profiles, videos, registered domains, online interests, blog posts, and more. The TruthFinder people finder website starts off by searching for all of the following on the person: traffic offenses, misdemeanors, court records, judgements, felonies, bankruptcies, relatives, phone numbers, online profiles, assets, arrest records, weapons permits, mugshots, sexual offenses, and address information. TruthFinder does an awesome job at finding people, and the search is more thorough than most people search engines.

Takes about 15 minutes to finish the whole search.